Type of Article: Original
Volume 7; Issue 1.3 (March 2019)
Page No.: 6319-6325
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.113
Panchali Datta 1, Rajarshi Roy *2, Sumit Datta 3, Shankhadeep Sarkar 4.
1 Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Diamond Harbour Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
*2 Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Medical College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
3 Consultant Radiologist, AMRI Hospital, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
4 RMO, Department of Chest Medicine, Purulia Medical college, West Bengal, India.
Address for the Correspondence: Dr. Rajarshi Roy, Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Affiliated institutions: Medical College, Kolkata- 700073, West Bengal, India. Mobile number: 09433110980 E-Mail: rajarshi.bubai@gmail.com
Background: Renal failure (Azotemia) reflects inability of kidneys to maintain normal homeostatic function, simultaneously accompanied with rise in Blood Urea and Serum Creatinine levels. The manifestations may develop over days- Acute; or span over weeks to months – Chronic. Gray Scale Ultrasonography is employed, in our Study, to assess kidneys in Acute and Chronic Renal Failure.
This study aims to determine the size and location of the kidneys; cortical echogenicity; severity of cortical loss; detection and aetiology of renal obstruction; and finally in the follow-up during and after the management. 200 persons were taken as Control, whereas 100 patients – 50 each suffering from Acute and Chronic Renal Failure, were interrogated.
Results: Renal dimension, cortical echogenicity with cortico-medullary differentiation of Control (Normal) individuals were observed. The above mentioned renal parameters were assessed both in Acute and Chronic renal failure.
No significant correlation was found between renal length and Serum Creatinine or Blood Urea levels in Acute Renal Failure. Whereas, a statistically significant correlation between kidney length and Serum Creatinine/Blood Urea levels in Chronic Renal Failure is established. A statistically significant relationship was also observed between renal cortical echogenicity and Serum Creatinine level; but not with Blood Urea level.
Conclusion: Non-involvement of ionising radiation, wide spread availability with low-cost imaging modality, makes Gray Scale Ultrasonography, the cornerstone of imaging in Renal Parenchymal Disease.
Key words: Ultrasonography, Serum creatinine, Acute and chronic renal failure.
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