
Type of Article:  Original

Volume 7; Issue 1.2 (February 2019)

Page No.: 6220-6224

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.445


Raghavendra D R*1 , Nirmala D 2  , Maveshettar G F 3.

*1  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, Telangana, India.

2,3. Professor, Department of Anatomy, J J M Medical  College, Davangere, Karnataka. India.

Address  for correspondence: Dr Raghavendra D R,  Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy,  Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally, 508254, Telangana. India. E Mail: dr.raghavendra18@gmail.com


Background: Radial nerve originates from posterior cord of brachial plexus at axilla. It supplies extensor muscles of upper limb.

Objectives: To  know the variations in muscular branches of radial nerve in axilla and posterior compartment of arm.

Methods: Dissection was done on 44 upper limbs from embalmed cadavers and 6  upper limbs from embalmed dead fetuses  in the Department of Anatomy, J J M Medical College, Davangere. Dissection of Radial nerve and its branches in the axilla and posterior compartment of the arm was carried out according to Cunningham’s manual of practical anatomy.

Results: The site of origin of nerve to long head of tricep (N-LHT) was axilla  in 48 specimens (96%) and lower triangular space( LTS)  in 2 specimens (4%). The site of origin of nerve to lateral head of tricep( N-LTHT) was radial groove(RG) in 49 specimens (98%) and lower triangular space(LTS)  in 1 specimens  (2%). The site of origin of nerve to medial head of tricep -ulnar collateral nerve(UCN) was axilla  in 38 specimens (76%) and lower triangular space(LTS)  in 12 specimens  (24%). The site of origin of nerve to medial head of tricep-nerve to anconeus(NA) was radial groove(RG)  in 49 specimens (98%) and lower triangular space(LTS)  in 1 specimens  (2%). The additional branches to long head of tricep(LHT) was found in 20 specimens (40%). The additional branches to lateral head of tricep( LTHT) was found in 10 specimens (20%).  The additional branches to medial head of tricep(MHT) was found in 7 specimens (14%).

Interpretation and Conclusion: The present study is important for Surgeons, Orthopedicians, and Neurophysicians as it provides the knowledge of variations in  muscular branches of radial nerve in axilla and posterior compartment of arm to prevent possible complications.

Key words: Radial Nerve, Triceps, Radial Groove. Wrist Drop.


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Cite this article: Raghavendra D R, Nirmala D, Maveshettar G F. STUDY OF VARIATIONS IN MUSCULAR BRANCHES OF RADIAL NERVE IN AXILLA AND POSTERIOR COMPARTMENT OF ARM. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(1.2):6224-6220. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.445