Type of Article: Original
Volume 7; Issue 1.2 (February 2019)
Page No.: 6183-6186
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.437
Chakraprabha Sharma 1, Vipin Kumar *2, Jignesh Patel 3.
1 Department of Anatomy, American International Institute of Medical Sciences, Bedwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
*2 Department of Anatomy, American International Institute of Medical Sciences, Bedwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
3 Department of Anatomy, American International Institute of Medical Sciences, Bedwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan, India.
Correspondence address: Dr. Vipin Kumar, Department of Anatomy, American International Institute of Medical Sciences, Transport Nagar, Bedwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan-313001, India. E-Mail: drvipinkumarjha@gmail.com
Background: The human ears are very important organ of the face. Its structure gives information about age and sex. Anatomically ear is divided into three parts i.e. External ear, Middle ear and Internal ear. External ear consists of auricle (helix, choncha, antihalix, tragus, anti tragus, cymba choncha, cavum choncha), external auditory meatus. Anthropometric data of present study help in better objective referred material for the aesthetic plastic surgeon, sex determination and in industrial ears product design.
Material and methods: This anthropometric study was started after taking ethical clearance from the institution. Before taking measurement, the informed written consent was taken from the entire participant selected for the study. Number of cases in this study was 119 between the age group of 16 to 26 years and without any acquired or congenital deformities. The study was conducted on 65 males and 54 females. All measurements were taken from digital vernier calliper and recorded in centimetre.
Results: In this study the mean and standard deviation (SD) of Total ear height (TEH) of right and left ear in male and female was 6.08+– 0.35 cm, 5.97+_ 0.32 cm and 5.69+_ 0.34 cm, 5.66+_ 0.37cm. Total Ear width (EW) of right and left ear in male and female was 2.93+_ 0.23 cm, 2.95+_ 0.21 cm and 2.55 +_ 0.23 cm, 2.59 +_ 0.24 cm. Respectively lobular Height (LH) of right and left ear in male and female was 1.58 +_ 0.19 cm, 1.65+_ 0.16 cm and 1.56+_ 0.16 cm, 1.63 +_ 0.17 cm. Lobular width (LW) of right and left ear in male and female was 1.7 +_ 0.25 cm, 1.73 +_ 0.25cm and 1.67 +_ 0.26cm, 1.72 +_ 0.20 cm found.
Conclusion: All parameters were found higher in male than female. All the parameters were highly significant.
Key Words: Vernier Calliper, Total Ear Height (TEH), Ear Width (EW), Lobular Height (LH), Lobular Width (LW).
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