
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 7; Issue 1.1 (January 2019)

Page No.: 6102-6107

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.415


Ashwini R Desai *, S.K. Chavan.

Rural MedicalCollege PMT, Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.

Correspondence address: Dr. Ashwini R Desai, Department of Anatomy, Rural Medical College, PIMS, DU. Loni, Dist: Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India, Pin: 413736 Mobile no- +919975493999 E-Mail: drrajeevdesai31@yahoo.in


Background: Vertebral artery is a medium sized artery which has long, tortuous course through neck and cranium. It is highly protected by bony and muscular structures because it provides the vascularization to important intracranial structures. During cervical spine movements, it is exposed to large shear and tensile forces at the exit from second cervical vertebra. A reduction in blood flow in vertebral artery may occur due to many congenital and structural factors which will cause ischemia and various neurological symptoms. Vertebral artery tears after blows to the head and neck are usually associated with basal subarachnoid haemorrhage with a rapidly fatal outcome.  Aim of study was to study histomorphometric variations in four segments of vertebral artery.

Material and methods: All four segments of vertebral arteries each having 0.5 cm long of both sides were collected from 30 cadavers. Outer and inner diameters were measured. Tissues were processed and stained by Verhoeff’s Van Geison and Masson Trichrome. Slides were scanned by “IS capture software” under 10 X magnifications.

Results: Outer diameter of left vertebral artery was 3.598± 0.32mm and that of right was 3.286± 0.33mm. Inner diameter of left vertebral artery was 3.19± 0.30 mm and right was 2.86± 0.26mm. Diameter of 1st and 3rd part of vertebral artery was more than 2nd and 4th part. Internal elastic lamina was thick and prominent in 4th part. External elastic membrane was prominent in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd part, but it is completely absent or represented by sparse fibrils in 4th part of vertebral artery.

Conclusion: Left vertebral artery was found to be dominant than the right.Internal elastic lamina was main elastic constituent of 4th part of vertebral artery, so damage to it may cause vascular pathologies like atherosclerosis, aneurysm etc.

Key words: Vertebral artery, Inner diameter, Outer diameter, Internal elastic membrane, External elastic membrane.


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Cite this article: Ashwini R Desai, S.K. Chavan. HISTO-MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF VARIOUS SEGMENTS OF VERTEBRAL ARTERY IN HUMAN CADAVERS. Int J Anat Res 2019;7(1.1):6102-6107. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.415