
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 3.2 (August 2018)

Page No.: 5544-5549

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.277


Rahul Kisan Ukey 1, Reshma Baburao Shinde *2, Anil Shivshankar Rahule 3, Prafulla Nikam 4, C.V. Diwan 5.

1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMC, Rajnandgaon, C.G., India.

*2 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, B.J. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India.

3 Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMC, Rajnandgaon, C.G., India.

4 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMC, Rajnandgaon, C.G., India.

5 Ex-Head and Professor, Department of Anatomy, GMC, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr Reshma Baburao Shinde, Assistant Professor, Department Of Anatomy, B.J. Medical College, Pune, Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: sreshma10@gmail.com


Introduction: Histogenesis of kidney gives knowledge regarding histological maturity of kidney and its functional status at the given gestational age. Kidney is developed from two parts, metanephrogenic blastema and ureteric bud. Metanephrogenic blastema gives origin to secretory part i.e. nephron while ureteric bud forms the collecting part i.e. collecting tubules and ureter. Both these parts fuse with each other and the development becomes complete.

Materials and Methods: 50 aborted human fetuses between 13-36 weeks of gestational age were used for this study with no obvious congenital anomalies. The 2-3 mm thick cut sections of both kidneys were taken, processed and Paraffin blocks were prepared. 5-7 micron thick sections were taken with rotary microtome, mounted and then stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin. Microscopic features were observed in low and high power and then documented.

Results and Discussion: Differentiation between cortex and medulla was seen from 16-18 week onwards. The medulla with collecting ducts, thick and thin segment of loop of Henle became well differentiated from 16 week onwards. Vascularity of medulla increased with increase in gestational age while connective tissue decreased with increase in gestational age. Renal pelvis was lined by transitional epithelium.

KEY WORDS: Histogenesis, Renal Medulla, Gestational age, Collecting ducts, Loop of Henle, Transitional epithelium.


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Cite this article: Rahul Kisan Ukey, Reshma Baburao Shinde, Anil Shivshankar Rahule, Prafulla Nikam, C.V. Diwan. HISTOGENESIS OF HUMAN FETAL RENAL MEDULLA. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(3.2):5544-5549. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.277