Type of Article: Review Article
Volume 6; Issue 3.1 (July 2018)
Page No.: 5414-5419
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.218
Fatemeh Kermanian *1, Hoorvash Farajidana 2, Morteza Motaharipour 3.
*1 Department of anatomy, College of medicine,Alborzuniversity of medical sciences, Karaj, Iran
2 Department of emergency medicine and toxicology, College of medicine, Alborz university of medical sciences, Karaj, Iran
3 Department of Islamic education,College of medicine,Alborzuniversity of medical sciences, Karaj, Iran
Corresponding Author: Dr. Fatemeh Kermanian, Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine Alborz University of Medical Sciences, 1st. Golestan, Baghestan, Karaj, Iran. E-Mail: f.kermanian@abzums.ac.ir
It would be helpful for a physician to understand ethics because they encounter many of the same ethical problems and questions as any human being. However, beyond that, because of the nature of their work, there are specific moral questions and problems that arise: questions of confidentiality, patient rights, questions of life and death. An understanding of ethics can help a physician get a clearer view in these difficult cases of the issue at hand, the possible courses of action, and the principles underlying right action.
Growing numbers of medical schools have begun to realize the important relationship between medical ethics and anatomy instruction and cadaver donation. We in the anatomical sciences are standing right at the entrance of the bridge leading from college life to professional school.
This writing has been aimed to integrate medical ethics with traditional anatomy courses. Such a program greatly benefits both students and faculty by requiring them to ethically think through the issues of deathand human mortality.
Key words: Ethics, Cadaver, Anatomy, Dissection.
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