Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 6; Issue 2.2 (May 2018)
Page No.: 5218-5221
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.160
Umesh P Modasiya 1, Sanjaykumar D Kanani *2.
1 Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, GMERS Medical College, Himmatnagar, India.
*2 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, GMERS Medical College, Himmatnagar, India.
Address for Correspondence: Sanjaykumar D Kanani, C – 10, Anupam Colony, Opp – Chirag Diamond, Opp – D mart Bapunagar, Post – Thakkarbapa Nagar, Ahmedabad – 382350, Gujarat, India. Mobile – 9879882079 E-Mail: drsanjaykanani@gmail.com
Introduction: On medial aspect of ramus of mandible, there is small tongue like bony projection located near the margin of mandibular foramina called lingula. It lies close proximity to mandibular foramina, which transmits the inferior alveolar nerve and the corresponding artery to the mandibular canal. Bony derivatives of fisrt brachial arch( Meckel’s cartilage) are the spine of sphenoid, maleus, incus and the part of the mandible bearing the lingula.
Materials and Methods: Present study has been carried out on Ninety (180 sides) dry human mandibles of north gujarat population in the anatomy department of various medical college of north gujarat. Height and distance of lingula from various bony landmark of mandible were noted by measuring the following distances using vernier calipers. The mean and standard deviation (S.D) of each measurement was calculated using Microsoft excel.
Result: We noted four different types of shape – triangular, truncated, nodular and assimilated. Truncated lingula(42.22%) was most prevalent than Nodular(21.67%), Assimilated(20.56%), Triangular(15.55%) shapes. average height (Mean + SD) of the lingula was 7.75 + 1.81 mm on both sides Average distance of lingular tip to anterior and posterior border of ramus of mandible were 16.62 + 3.31 mm and 15.94 + 1.63 mm. Average distance of lingula from mandibular notch and base of mandible were 16.05 + 2.85 mm and 34.16 + 2.96 mm.
Conclution: Present study’s findings may be helpful for dental surgeons to locate the lingula and important structures nearby while doing surgical procedures to avoid its damage.
KEY WORDS: Lingual, Mandible, Morphology.
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