Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 6; Issue 1.3 (March 2018)
Page No.: 5007-5010
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.537
Iju Shrestha *, Hari Sharan Makaju.
Department of Anatomy, Kathmandu Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Duwakot, Bhaktapur, Nepal.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Iju Shrestha, Department of Anatomy, Kathmandu Medical College and Teaching Hospital, Duwakot, Bhaktapur, Nepal. E-Mail: drijushrestha@gmail.com
Background: People belonging to different ethnic groups seem to have differences in their height. The variation of is known to be determined by genetic as well environmental factors. However very less has been studied about the relation between the height and ethnicity of the individual. The proposed study dealt with finding out the relation between height and ethnicity of the individual.
Objectives: The aim was to assess the relation between height and ethnicity of the individual and also to see if there is any environmental influence on the particular ethnicity
Materials and Methods: The method followed was a cross sectional study conducted in the medical students studying in Kathmandu Medical College and Teaching Hospital (KMCTH), Duwakot, Bhaktapur, Nepal. Height was measured by a stadiometer and ethinicity was recorded as stated by the respondents.
Result: The ethnic groups in our study included the religious groups. Majority of subjects of participation were found to be Hindus (93.86%). The Hindu ethnic group was seen to be taller with a height range of minimum and maximum of 144.1 cm and 187.1 cm respectively. Among the subgroups, the highest mean height was observed to be of the Madhesi (168.75 cm) followed by the Chhetris; the Newars and the Marwadis were seen to be with minimal height among the ethnic categories.
Conclusion: Taller body height in this study was seen in the people in plain region where they are exposed to greater oxygen saturation level and the warmer climate. Hence, the diversity of the geographical topography can be taken into consideration for its environmental factors which can have beneficial influence on the the height of the ethnic group/individual so that they can attain the maximum possible height.
Key words: Environmental factors, Ethnicity, Genetic factors, Height.
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