
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 1.3 (March 2018)

Page No.: 4982-4986

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.531


Tripti  Shrivastava *1, P. Vatsalaswamy 2, Sushil Kumar 3.

*1 Professor, Department of Anatomy, Armed  Forces Medical  College (AFMC),  Pune – India.

2 Director Academics and Prof Dept of Anatomy, Padmashree Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Pimpri, Pune- India.

3 Prof & HOD, Department of Anatomy, Armed  Forces Medical  College (AFMC),  Pune – India.

Address for Correspondence: Col (Dr) Tripti  Shrivastava, Professor, Department of Anatomy, Armed  Forces Medical  College (AFMC),  Pune – India. Tel: 9168756384 E-Mail: drtriptishrivastava@gmail.com


Introduction: The aim of  present study is to evaluate  the microscopic structure of the round ligament of  uterus at the  uterine cornu to examine the changes in the structure in different age groups i.e.adult  females in reproductive age group, pregnancy & menopause.

Materials and Methods: Twenty two  round ligaments of uterus (25-70 yrs) were taken for the study of the microscopic structure at the uterine cornu. The specimens were collected from adult females of reproductive age group, pregnant females and menopausal females. Microscopic structure was  studied under light microscope using haematoxylin and eosin and Van  Gieson’s stain was used to differentiate muscle from fibrous tissue.

Results: The round ligament  showed changes at the two ends of age spectrum chosen for the study (25-70 yrs). In adult females of  reproductive age group (25-40 yr old) it was predominantly  muscular and the  smooth muscle of the ligament  was found to be  continuous with  that of  the myometrium.  In pregnant females marked hypertrophied smooth muscle bundles with increased  collagen bundles and vascularity were seen. In menopausal age group, tendency towards fibrosis was  seen  and  blood  vessels were reduced in number.

Conclusion: Variations   seen in the  ligament in  different age groups and continuation of the smooth  muscle of the round ligament with the myometrium at the uterine cornu may explain the role played by it in keeping the uterus in  anteverted  position. Role of the ligament would become clearer  through a further study of  microscopic structure of a larger sample size including different age groups.

Key words: Round ligament,  Uterus, Histology.


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Cite this article: Tripti Shrivastava, P. Vatsalaswamy, Sushil Kumar. VARIATION IN THE HISTOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF ROUND LIGAMENT OF UTERUS AT UTERINE CORNU WITH AGE. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(1.3):4982-4986. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.531