Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 6; Issue 1.2 (February 2018)
Page No.: 4901-4905
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.504
Pranjali Uttamrao Rathod *1, Sachin Shembekar 2.
MD Anatomy, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
MD Anatomy, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr.Pranjali Uttamrao Rathod, MD Anatomy, #6, 2nd floor, 1st Main At Street, RMV second stage, New Bel Road, Bangalore Karnataka, India. Pin code-560054. Contact no.-9970012994, 8087253751, E-Mail: drchayarathod2@gmail.com
Enlargement of lateral ventricle is most striking feature after sixth decade of life. Regression of brain is normal ageing process. But there are marked individual variations in this process. Lateral ventricular contours are relatively constant, except for the occipital horns. Two major changes that may occur in elderly individual without neurologic deficits is enlargement of ventricles and cortical atrophy. This study is focusing on the changes in posterior horn of lateral ventricle in different age groups. Aim of this study is to statistically analyse the length of the posterior horn of lateral ventricle in human and to correlate the changes in relation to age and side. Method: The CT images of 150 adult individuals (age group 20-80yrs) was studied in both males and females. Length of posterior horn of lateral ventricle was measured using dicomworks software. Result: Mean value of length of the posterior horn increases on both sides as the age increases. Values are larger in 61-80 years. In relation to the side, the length of posterior horn is greater on the left side as compared to the right side.
Key words: CT Images, Lateral Ventricle, Cortical Atrophy, Posterior horn.
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