
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 1.1 (January 2018)

Page No.: 4815-4818

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.473


Chaudhari ML*1, Kanani S 2.

*1 Assistant professor in Department of Anatomy, Dr Mk Shah Medical Collage Chandkeda, Ahmedabad, India.

2 Assistant Professor in GMRES Medical collage, Himatnagar, India.

Corrosponding Author: Dr. Manisha Laxmanbhai Chaudhari, Dr Mk Shah Medical Collage Chandkeda, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. E-Mail: drmanishachaudhari6@gmail.com


Background: Head of appendix can be placed in different situations but the base of appendix is connected to the cecum. The variation in the situations is classified into six locations: retrocecal, pelvic, subcecal, paraileal, retroileal, and subhepatic.

Objectives: to study the variation in the anatomical features, length & external diameter of appendix and its association with age and sex in people in the Gujarat.

Material and method: This study was conducted on total 200 cases taken from dissection laboratory of the anatomy department of three different medical college of Ahmedabad during 2009 to 2012. Length of vermiform appendix was measured by nylon thread from root to tip of appendix. Thread’s length was measured by vernier caliper. External diameter was measured by vernier caliper at a maximum external diameter of the appendix.

Result: anatomical locations of the appendix which were as follows: retrocecal in 111 individuals (55.5%), pelvic in 47 individuals (23.5%), retroileal in 18 individuals (9.0%), subcaecal in 13 individuals (6.5%), paracaecal in 10 individual (5.0%), and subhepatic in 1 individual (0.5%). a significant association was found between the appendix length and different age groups. The average length of appendix was 55 mm for men and 51 mm for women. The average external diameter of appendix was 73 mm for men and 65 mm for women.

Conclusion:Retrocaecal appendix has symptoms of upper urinary tract infection, due to irritation of the adjacent ureter. In pelvic position pain may be felt when the thigh is flexed and medially rotated, because the obturator internus is stretched. Pelvic appendix may irritate the bladder or rectum causing suprapubic pain, pain with urination, or feeling the need to defecate.

Key words: Appendicitis, Mesoappendix, Retrocaecal appendix. Vermiform appendix.


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Cite this article: Chaudhari ML, Kanani S. ANATOMICAL VARIATIONS OF VERMIFORM APPENDIX IN GUJARAT. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(1.1):4815-4818. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.473