
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 1.1 (January 2018)

Page No.: 4806-4810

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.471


Banjare Praveen kumar 1, Kurrey Praveen kumar *1, Chatterjee Manik 2, Rathia Dharam Singh 3, Gautam Deepti 1, Khare Sangeeta 1.

1 Assistant Professor Dept. Of Anatomy Pt.JNM Medical College Raipur (C.G), India.

*2 Professor Dept. Of Anatomy Pt.JNM Medical College Raipur (C.G), India.

3Assistant Professor Dept. Of Anatomy ESI-PGIMSR,ESIC Medical College and   Hospital    Joka   Kolkata (W.B.), India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Praveen Kumar Kurrey,  Assistant Professor,  Department of Anatomy, Pt.JNM Medical College Raipur (C.G), India. Mobile: 09993259003 E-Mail: drpraveenk2010@gmail.com


Introduction: Studies on child growth and development have always occupied an important position in the scientific research curriculum and are of interest to the researchers of both Medical Science and Physical Anthropology all over the world. Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) is a hereditary anemia, predominantly seen amongst various tribal populations of India. This problem decreases the amount of oxygen flowing to body tissues which affects growth and nutritional status of individuals.

Materials and Methods:  In present study, 316 subjects of Raipur city 157 cases (sickling) and 159 controls (non-sickling) were taken and anthropometric measurements body weight and head breadth were obtained.

Result: After analysis of data of above parameters, we found cases weighed less than control except at the age of 21 for male where it was equal. At 25 years this difference was statistically highly significant in male; and at 12, 13 years in female.

Conclusion:  On comparison mean value of various body measures body weight of cases were less than that of controls for both male and female, but in head breadth, enough variations were observed. Significant differences were observed in body weight.

KEYWORDS: Anthropometry, Sickle cell Anemia, Spreading Calliper.


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Cite this article: Banjare Praveen kumar, Kurrey Praveen kumar, Chatterjee Manik, Rathia Dharam Singh, Gautam Deepti, Khare Sangeeta. COMPARATIVE ANTHROPOMETRY BETWEEN SICKLING AND NONSICKLING INDIVIDUALS OF LOCAL POPULATION OF RAIPUR CITY OF CHHATTISGARH BY MEASURING BODY WEIGHT AND HEAD BREADTH. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(1.1):4806-4810. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.471