
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 4.3 (December 2017)

Page No.: 4686-4690

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.443


Shahin Kazi 1, Harsha A Keche *2, Prema K Joshi 3, Anjali  N Wanjari 4.

1 Associate Professor , Department  of Anatomy,  A.C.P.M. Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.

*2 Associate Professor , Department  of Anatomy,  A.C.P.M. Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.

3 Associate Professor , Department  of Physiology,  A.C.P.M. Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.

4 Professor, Department  of Anatomy,  A.C.P.M. Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Harsha A Keche, Associate Professor , Department  of Anatomy,  A.C.P.M. Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra, India. E-Mail: drharshakeche@rediffmail.com


Background: The carrying angle is defined as the acute angle made by the median axis of the arm with the fully extended and supinated forearm. It is important in walking, swinging and carrying objects. Various studies have been done on the cause of the formation of carrying angle. Variations in carrying angle have been reported with age groups, gender and race but little attention has been given to correlate the carrying angle with various anthropological parameters .Hence this study was done to co-relate the carrying angle with various anthropological parameters.

Material and Methods: The present cross sectional observational study was done on 226 students (122 males and 94 females) of age group 17-21 years. A written informed consent was taken. Ethical clearance was taken from institutional ethical committee. The carrying angle of the elbow was measured by goniometer. Height was measured using a stature meter. Arm and forearm length was measured using vernier caliper. Data was statistically analyzed  by “paired- t” test to compare parameters in between paired observations and “unpaired- t” test to compare  groups. The relation between the continuous variables was found by pearson ‘correlation (r) test.

Results – Carrying angle, arm length and forearm length of right side was statistically significantly increased as compared to left side in both males and females. Right hand carrying angle showed no correlation with arm length, forearm length and height in females whereas left hand carrying angle of females and both side carrying angle of males  showed negative correlation with arm length, forearm length and height.

Conclusion – Carrying angle was greater in females than males. The carrying angle was more on the right side than the left side in both sex. Carrying angle showed negative correlation with height and forearm length in both sex.

Key words: Arm length, Carrying angle, Elbow, Forearm length, Height, Sex.


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Cite this article: Shahin Kazi, Harsha A Keche, Prema K Joshi, Anjali N Wanjari. THE COMPARISON AND EVALUATION OF CARRYING ANGLE OF ELBOW WITH ANTHROPOMETRIC MEASUREMENTS IN BOTH SEXES. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(4.3):4686-4690. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.443