Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 4.2 (November 2017)
Page No.: 4630-4634
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.425
Vijayshree Muthukumar 1, Komala Nanjundaiah *2 Shailaja Shetty 3.
1 MBBS, M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
2 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, M.S.Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
3 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, M.S.Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Komala Nanjundaiah, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, M.S.Ramaiah Medical College, M.S.R Nagar, Bangalore 560054, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: komas2001@yahoo.com
Back ground: The carotico clinoid foramen is formed by an osseous bridge between tip of the middle and anterior clinoid processes of the sphenoid bone and transmits one of the segments of internal carotid artery (ICA).
Context: The existence of a bony or osseous carotico clinoid foramen may cause compression, tightening or stretching of the ICA, especially of the clinoidal segment and cause complications in regional surgery.
Purpose: The present study is an effort to study the carotico clinoid foramen in skulls and observe various parameters like presence or absence, unilateral or bilateral, complete or incomplete, extent, dimensions of the ligament, dimensions of the foramen and sexual dominance.
Results: Presence of complete foramen was found in 12% and incomplete foramen was 26%. The mean width and thickness of the ligaments was found to be greater on the left side and greater in males. The size of the foramen was found to be more on the left side and in males. Complete foramina were found to be more in males while incomplete foramina were found equally in both sexes. Unilateral foramen were found to be more in females while bilateral foramina were found to be more in males.
Conclusion: Considering the fact that most of the anatomy text books do not provide a detailed description of the carotico clinoid ligament or foramen, the present study proves especially relevant to neurosurgeons in day to day clinical practice.
Implication: Knowledge of the prevalence of carotico clinoid foramen helps the neuro-surgeons for pre-operative scanning and precautions can be taken to prevent fatal complications during surgery. Further, removal of the anterior clinoid process is an important step in regional surgery, for which additional risk is involved. Therefore detailed anatomical knowledge of the carotico clinoid foramen is of utmost importance, to increase the success of regional surgeries.
Key words: carotico clinoid foramen, clinoid process, internal carotid artery, clinoidectomy, interclinoid foramen.
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