Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 4.2 (November 2017)
Page No.: 4623-4629
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.423
Polieria Santos Oliveira 1, Jalles Dantas de Lucena 2, Francisco Rafael Oliveira da Silva 2, Katarina Maria Brasileiro Leal 3, Jonas Nogueira Ferreira a Maciel Gusmão 2, Osvaldo Pereira da Costa Sobrinho 3, João Erivan Façanha Barreto 3, Deiziane Viana da Silva Costa 2, Ariel Gustavo Scafuri 2,3, Delane Viana Gondim 2,3, Gilberto Santos Cerqueira 2,3.
1 Faculty Vale do Salgado Ceara, Brazil.
2 Faculty of Medicine, Post-Graduate Program in Morphofunctional Sciences, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.
3 Department of Morphology, Federal University of Ceara, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.
Correspondence Address: Prof. Dr. Gilberto Santos Cerqueira, Department of Morphology – Federal University of Ceara, Street Delmiro de Farias s/n – Campus Porangabussu – Ceara – Brazil. CEP: 64.204-035. Phone: +55 (85) 3366-8497. E-Mail: giufarmacia@hotmail.com
Background: This study aimed to investigate student perceptions regarding the teaching and learning process in the subject of Human Anatomy, an integral part of the Nursing course at the university studied.
Materials and Methods: This is a quantitative study of a descriptive, exploratory nature conducted at a College in the Northeast region of Ceara state. It was performed with ninety-two students from of the courses nursing, who were all enrolled for the discipline concerned and attended the Human Anatomy Laboratory. Semi-structured interviews yielded the qualitative data.
Results: It was found that 70.65% of the interviewees were female. It was observed that 28.26% of the interviewees reported that the workload was insufficient, while 65.21% reported that the corpse study would be indispensable for anatomical practice. The main teaching practice used was passive methodologies 39.41%. During the practical classes the main form was to use a mannequin 93.4%. It was verified that 83.69% reported the importance of the elaboration of an image bank for Anatomy study.
Conclusions: The teaching of Human Anatomy needs to be rethought in order to meet the expectations of this new and current moment. In the attempt to introduce practical classes with cadaver and anatomical pieces which would facilitate the process of teaching-learning in the discipline of Anatomy.
Key Words: Anatomy, Education, Morphology, Learning Anatomy.
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