Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 4.2 (November 2017)
Page No.: 4570-4574
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.398
Bhanu Sudha Parimala Namburu *1, H.Kaavya 2, S.Muralidhar Reddy 3.
*1 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, N.R.I Medical College, China kakani, Guntur District, (AP), India.
2 Lecturer, Department of Anatomy, N.R.I Medical College, China kakani, Guntur District, (AP), India.
3 Professor and HOD, Department of Anatomy, N.R.I Medical College, China kakani, Guntur District, (AP), India.
Address of Corresponding Author: Dr. N. B. S. Parimala, MBBS, M. D. (Anatomy), Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Balaji Nivas, 48-11/8-8, currency nagar main road, Near swarna Residency Apartments, Vijayawada, Krishna district, (AP), INDIA-520008. Mobile no: 9440791896 E-Mail: nbsparimala @gmail .com
Introduction: Of the seven tarsal bones Talus and calcaneum belong to the proximal row. Talus is a peculiar bone with major part of it covered by articular cartilage and devoid of any muscular or tendinous attachment. It has 3 facets anterior, middle and posterior located inferiorly, which articulate with superior facets of calcaneum. The anterior facet is present on the inferior aspect of head and is continuous with its articular surface but usually it is not so with middle articular facet. Various authors have studied morphology of talus and its articular facets across different parts of the world and in different parts of our country but such data was not reported from Andhra region.Hence the study was undertaken.
Materials and Methods: Total 84 tali (40 right and 44 left) of unknown sex, obtained from the department of Anatomy of N.R.I Medical College were studied. Morphometric analysis of talus included measurement of length; breadth and height of individual bone using digital vernier callipers after necessary digital correction. Range, Mean, Standard deviation were calculated.calcaneal facets and their types, squatting facets, extensions of trochlea tali were studied.
Results and Conclusion: Mean length of talus was 5.33 cm; Mean width was 3.79 cm and Mean height was 2.52cm in the present study. In the present study calcaneal facets of talus were classified based on previous studies. The percentage of tali with Type 1 facets was highest followed by type 2 and type 5. Type 4 facets were seen in very few tali Type 3 was rarest. Only one talus on right side had type 3 facets and it was not seen on the left side. Lateral squatting facets were more common on right side but medial and combined facets though less frequent were seen more on left side. Lateral extensions were more commonly seen than medial extensions. The Morphometric measurements of talus in the present study were comparable to all other Indian studies .The variations in the incidence of calcaneal facets,squatting facets and trochlear extensions can be attributed to the racial,genetic,environmental and occupational factors.
Key Words: Sub Talar Joint Stability, Trochlea Tali And Squatting Facets.
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