
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 1.1 (January 2018)

Page No.: 4777-4783

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.353


Beulah Priyalatha Swamickan *1, Aleyamma Fenn T.K 2.

*1 Department of Anatomy, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research; Coimbatore, Tamilnadu  India.

2 Department of Anatomy, Govt. Medical College,  East Yakkara   Palakkad, Kerala State. India. 

Corresponding Author: Dr Beulah Priyalatha Swamickan, Department of Anatomy, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research; Coimbatore – 641 004. Tamilnadu  India.  Mobile No: +91 9363249025 E-Mail: beulahstephen@gmail.com


Background: Gubernaculum and the events related to the descent of testis have been studied since17th century, from the time of John Hunter onwards.  Most of the studies were done in the animals and there is paucity of information regarding gubernaculum in the humans . Present study is an attempt to throw light on the morphological features and histological structure of gubernaculum in human male fetuses.

Aims: to study the appearance, extent and microscopic structure of gubernaculum testis and to explore the role of gubernaculums in causing cryptorchidism.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 35 spontaneously aborted male fetuses and on 10 tissue samples of gubernaculum from children who have come for orchiopexy, obtained from PSG Hospital.

Results and Discussion: Gubernaculum was extended from the lower pole of testis and epididymis to pubic symphysis. Gubernaculum testis was made up of collagen fibres, elastic fibres, muscle fibres and loose mesenchyme with lymphocytes, macrophages and fibroblasts embedded within it. Collagen undergoes changes as the foetal age advances and this could contribute to the role of gubernaculumin testicular descent.

Conclusion: Gubernaculum testis possibly could play a significant role in the descent of the testis, by creating the channel for the passage of the testis and do not actively pull the testis down into the scrotum as thought earlier.

Key words: Gubernaculum, Mesenchymatous Tissue, Collagen Fibres, Fibroblast, Elastic Fibres, Skeletal and Smooth Muscle, Trimester of Pregnancy.


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Cite this article: Beulah Priyalatha Swamickan, Aleyamma Fenn T.K. HISTOMORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF HUMAN GUBERNACULUM IN THE MALE. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(1.1):4777-4783. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.353