
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 3.2 (August 2017)

Page No.: 4261-4264

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.301


Aparna Gullapalli *1, Anil Kumar Inuganti 2.

*1 Associate Professor, Department Of Anatomy, NRI Medical College, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India.

2 Associate Professor, Department Of Anatomy, KIMS Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Address for correspondence: Dr. Aparna Gullapalli, Associate Professor, Department Of Anatomy, NRI Medical College, Guntur, Andhrapradesh-522503, India. Mobile: 9502310954 E-Mail: maildraparna@gmail.com


Back ground: Exact knowledge of femoral neck – shaft angle (NSA) is important in recognizing, understanding and treating pathology conditions in the hip Joint. The purpose of this study is to evaluate neck shaft angle of femur correlated with number of clinical aspects.

Materials and Methods: The NSA was determined in 110 femur in the department of anatomy; NRI medical college; Guntur Dt. and in department of anatomy, KIMS Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh, India.

Results: Out of 110 specimens; 70% shows normal angle and remaining 40% showed difference that is more (or) less than normal angle.

Conclusion: This study is very important orthopedic surgeons & also to neurology, anthropological practice.

Key words: Femur, neck axis, shaft axis, neck shaft angle (NSA).


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Cite this article: Aparna Gullapalli, Anil Kumar Inuganti. MORPHOMETRIC STUDY OF FEMORAL NECK SHAFT ANGLE AND ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Int J Anat Res 2017;5(3.2):4261-4264. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.301