Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 2.3 (June 2017)
Page No.: 3905-3912
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.217
Dinesh Kumar. V *, Rajprasath. R, Bhavani Prasad. G, V.K. Nim.
Department of Anatomy, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, India.
Address for Correspondence: Dr. Dinesh Kumar. V, Department of Anatomy, Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry, India. E-Mail: dinesh.88560@gmail.com
Introduction: Anatomy, being a vast subject, has its own language and it demands a herculean work from a student’s side to master these terminologies at the first stroke. In an attempt to consolidate and enhance learning, it is necessary to assess the benefits and pitfalls of various available teaching methodologies. Here, we analyze the self-perceived opinion of the students regarding curriculum, teaching methodology & assessment techniques in anatomy.
Materials and methods: This study explored the perceptions of 122 medical students who had just completed their first year at Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences, Puducherry. They were given a questionnaire, comprising of questions regarding the teaching-learning methodologies in anatomy. The results were analyzed quantitatively.
Results: Lecture classes still remain as most common knowledge –delivery mode despite arrival of new innovations. The best method of teaching in lecture class is Multimedia for 45% of students. Combining different methodologies such as multimedia and chalk and board interspersed is beneficial for 67.2% of students. 69.6% of the students conveyed that dissection enhances the critical thinking in a logical manner. 64.8% of the students preferred spotters kept in prosected specimens as the preferred way of assessment for the knowledge gained during dissection. 37.7% of the students learnt histology the most from pre-focused demonstration slides and the major hindering factors in learning embryology were inability to comprehend the sequence of events for 39.3% of the students.
Conclusion: With learners being made more centric in the present situation, this study may be helpful in throwing the shade on the intricacies of the present day learners and thereby helps us to frame a better model, with multiple resources where learners find their most appropriate way of gaining knowledge and clinical thinking abilities.
Key words: Teaching Anatomy, Teaching-Learning Methodologies, Lecture, Dissection, Histology, Embryology.
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