Type of Article: Case Report
Volume 5; Issue 2.2 (May 2017)
Page No.: 3855-3860
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.203
Cheryl Melovitz-Vasan 1, Nagaswami Vasan *2.
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Camden, New Jersey, USA.
*2 Professor of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, Camden, New Jersey, USA.
*Corresponding author: Dr. Nagaswami Vasan, D.V.M., M.V.Sc., Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cooper Medical School of Rowan University, 401 South Broadway, Camden, New Jersey 08103, USA. Phone: +1 (856) 361-2890 E-Mail: vasan@rowan.edu
Background: A duplex kidney or bifid ureteric collecting system is one of the common congenital urinary tract abnormalities but familial occurrence is much less frequent. While considered an anatomical variant, duplex-collecting systems may be complicated by vesicoureteric reflux, obstruction or ureterocoele. Furthermore, accessory renal arteries, while frequently encountered, might cause hydronephrosis.
Materials and Methods: We report here a case of 77- and 82-years male siblings who donated their body to a willed body program with unilateral double and bifid ureter and accessory renal arteries. The siblings died approximately 15 months apart; the 77-year old sibling (donor 1) was the first to die of lung cancer. The 82-year older sibling (donor 2) died later from a cerebrovascular incident.
Results and Observations: During dissection of the 77-year- old donor, (donor 1) we observed that the right kidney had two ureters, one emerging from the upper pole and the other from the lower pole. Probing the ureters revealed that the lower pole ureter entered the bladder via a superior orifice while the upper pole ureter opened into an inferior orifice. In the dissection of the 82-year older sibling (donor 2), we observed that the left kidney had two ureters emerging one each from the upper and lower poles. The two ureters on the left kidney fused caudally and opened into the bladder via a single orifice. Both donors had accessory renal arteries.
Conclusions: Familial nature of the variance in the renal system is uncommon and only a few reports have been described. In the absence of the medical history of the donors we are unable to comment on whether their conditions caused any kidney problems. Additionally, in the absence of family history we are unable to expand the study to include other members of the donor’s family; however early recognition of this condition is vital in patient care.
Key words: Familial Double and Bifid Ureter, Congenital Anomaly, Accessory Renal Artery, Clinical Significance, Patient Care.
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