Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 2.2 (May 2017)
Page No.: 3846-3849
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.201
Abhilasha *1, Ajitpal Singh 2.
*1 Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, J.C.D. Dental College, Sirsa, Haryana, India.
2 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy, Desh Bhagat Dental College And Hospital, Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab, India
Corresponding author: Dr. Abhilasha Setia, Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, J.C.D. dental college, Sirsa, Haryana, India. Ph: 9466593001
E-Mail: abhilasha.setia@gmail.com
Introduction: Foot dynamic anthropometry has a vital role in medical rehabilitation, sport science, and footwear design among others. There is wide diversity in human foot size and shape depending upon race, age, sex etc. It is known that one’s foot size changes with age. Children and teenagers grow one to three foot sizes each year
Materials and Methods: Present research has been designed to study the bilateral variations in the anatomy of foot. The study is conducted on 400 young females ranging in age from 5.00 –20.99 years, residing in Haryana region of India. The foot length and foot width dimensions (and derived foot index) of female subjects are quantitatively analyzed to find bilateral asymmetry. A total of 400 female subjects divided into eight age groups, i.e. i) 5.00-6.99 ii) 7.00- 8.99 iii) 9.00-10.99 years iv) 11.00-12.99 years v) 13.00- 14.99 vi) 15.00-16.99 vii) 17.00- 18.99 viii) 19.00-20.99 were measured for Foot length and foot breadth using standard anthropometric techniques. Percentage distribution of asymmetry is found using the formula of Relative index of asymmetry (RIA) given by wolansky (1965).
Results and Conclusion: Results indicate the increasing trends in foot length and foot breadth in all the age groups. Applying Student’s t-test reveals statistically significant bilateral asymmetry in foot length of all the age groups except for age group ranging from 9.00-10.99 whereas bilateral asymmetry for foot breadth is non-significant for three groups i.e. 5.00-6.99, 9.00-10.99 and 15.00-16.99. Present observation can be used as base line data for the use of forensic science and foot shape.
Key words: Foot Length, Foot Width, Foot Index, Foot Anthropometry, Bilateral variations, Relative Index of Asymmetry.
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