Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 5; Issue 2.2 (May 2017)
Page No.: 3796-3799
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.181
Supriya Garapati 1, Ch. Santhi 2, Pentyala Suneetha 3.
*1 Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, MNR Medical College, Sangareddy, Telangana, India.
2 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, AndraPradhesh, India.
3 professor, Department of Radiology, Narayana Medical College, Nellore, AndraPradhesh, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr. Supriya Garapati, Associate professor, Department of Anatomy, MNR Medical College, Sangareddy, Telangana, India. E-Mail: garapati.supriya13@gmail.com
Objective: Styloid process is a slender bony projection, pointing downwards from the temporal bone. An elongated styloid process can compress the vital vessels and nerves close to it. Aim of the present study was to emphasize the styloid process morphometry and its clinical importance in study population
Materials and Methods: Styloid process of temporal bone was studied by using 52 three dimensional CT scans of both sexes.
Results: The mean length of the styloid process on right and left side was 3.15± 0.52cm, 3.03 ± 0.55 cm. The mean width of the right and left styloid process was 0.74 ± 0.17 cm, 0.72 ± 0.19 cm. The mean medial angulation of right and left styloid process was 61.5° ± 8.17°, 61.6° ± 6.29° respectively.
Conclusion: Morphometric evaluation of the styloid process is clinically important because of its closeness to important neurovascular structures. Data obtained from the present study may useful for physicians, surgeons, radiologists, otorhinolaryngologists, dentists and for anatomists as an academic interest.
KEY WORDS: Styloid process, Eagle syndrome, elongated styloid process, CT scan.
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