
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 9; Issue 2.3 (June 2021)

Page No.: 8020-8025

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2021.131

Study of Morphology of Placenta in Fifty Specimens

Dhinesh Kumar 1, Muthuprasad *2.

1 Assistant professor, Anatomy department, Dhanalakshmi sreenivasan Medical College, Perambalur, Tamilnadu, India.

*2 Associate professor, Anatomy department, KAPV government medical college, Trichy Tamilnadu, India.

Corresponding Author: Dr. Muthuprasad, Associate professor, Anatomy department, KAPV government medical college, Trichy Tamilnadu, India. E-Mail: jabarali2009@gmail.com


Introduction: The placenta is an important organ for keeping a pregnancy going and promoting normal foetal development. As a foetal organ, the placenta is subjected to the same stress and strain as the foetus. The growth of the foetus depends upon the
location, functional capacity and integrity of the placental attachment.

Aim: To study the morphology of the placenta in fifty placental specimens.

Methods: The study was conducted in the Institute of Anatomy, Madurai Medical College, in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. A total of fifty placental specimens were collected and analyzed for shape, diameter, thickness, placenta weight, maternal and fetal cotyledons, and attachment of cord, vascular pattern, fetoplacental ratio and placental co-efficient.

Results: In fifty placentae, 60% circular in shape; 38% oval in shape; 2% triangular in shape. The mean diameter is 17.7 cm. The diameter is increased in anaemia and decreased in prematurity. The average thickness is 1.993 cm. The thickness is increased in Diabetes mellitus and decreased in anaemia. The average number of maternal cotyledons is 17; increased in Diatebes mellitus and decreased in prematurity. The average number of fetal cotyledons is 59 and increased in Diabetes mellitus. The feto-maternal cotyledon ratio is 3.5:1. It is increased in prematurity and decreased in Diabetes mellitus. The average weight of the placenta is 471 grams. The placental weight is increased in Diabetes mellitus and decreased in prematurity. The fetoplacental weight ratio is 5.805 and is decreased in prematurity. The placental coefficient is 0.18 and is increased in prematurity.

Conclusion: The examination of the placenta yields valuable information regarding the intra-uterine events and fetal outcome.

Key words: Placenta, Macroscopic Morphology, Pregnancy.


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Cite this article: Dhinesh Kumar, Muthuprasad. Study of Morphology of Placenta in Fifty Specimens. Int J Anat Res 2021;9(2.3):8020-8025. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2021.131