Type of Article: Original
Volume 7; Issue 2.1 (April 2019)
Page No.: 6432-6436
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2019.134
Vasantha Kuberappa 1, Tanveer Ahamad Khan *2.
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shimoga institute of medical sciences, Shimoga, Karnataka, India.
*2 Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shimoga institute of medical sciences, Shimoga, Karnataka, India.
Address for correspondence: Dr Tanveer Ahamed Khan, Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shimoga institute of medical sciences, Shimoga – 577201, Karnataka, India. E-Mail: tanveerahamedkhan46@gmail.com
Introduction: Any unnamed opening is termed as Accessory foramen. Mandible being the strongest bone of the skull is pervaded by many accessory foramina other than mandibular and mental foramen. In the present study accessory mandibular, mental, retromolar and lingual foramina are distinguished and clinical implications are discussed. The presence of such foramina if not identified during clinical practice may cause complications. Hence our study is done to find out the incidence and distribution of various accessory foramina of mandible among South Indians.
Materials and Methods: The study was done on 100 adult dry human mandibles of South Indian origin obtained from first MBBS students. The location and distribution of various accessory foramina were carefully observed, noted and tabulated.
Results: Accessory foramen was found in 93% of mandibles. Accessory lingual foramen was found in 93 mandibles, with supraspinous foramen in 84%, accessory mandibular foramen in 34%, accessory mental foramen in 12% and retromolar foramen in 6%.
Conclusion: Presence of accessory foramina may cause failure of anaesthesia during inferior alveolar nerve block and haemorrhage during mandibular reconstruction surgeries owing to the neurovascular structures passing through these accessory foramina. The clinicians should be aware about the presence of such accessory foramina during the procedures.
KEY WORDS: Accessory foramina, Mandible, Mental foramen, Mandibular reconstruction , Inferior alveolar nerve, Lingual foramen, Retromolar foramen.
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