
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 6; Issue 1.3 (March 2018)

Page No.: 5041-5045

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2018.107


Sachin patil 1, Madhu sethi *2, Sabita Mishra 3.

1 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, ANIIMS, Port Blair, A&N Islands, India.

*2 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, BSA Medical college and Hospital, Delhi, India.

3 Director Professor & Head, Department of Anatomy, Maulana Azad medical college, New Delhi, India.

Corresponding Author Dr Madhu Sethi, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, BSA Medical College and Hospital, Rohini, Delhi, India-110085 E-Mail: madhusethi567@gmail.com


Background and Objective: The Klingler fiber dissection technique is a simple and less complicated method for identifying the fine structure of the white fiber tracts of brain. In this study, we have used classical fiber dissection technique by Klinger’s to produce white matter specimens which can be used for explaining anatomy of various white matter tracts to students.

Materials and Methods: Five brains specimen removed from formalin fixed human cadavers (3 males and 2 female) were used in this study. Klinger’s fibers dissection method was used to obtain white fibers specimen. Dissection of the cerebrum was performed using wooden spatulas, fine curved metal spatulas, fine forceps. The white fibers were exposed by peeling brain with help of wooden spatula to expose the fibers. The dissection microscope was used to isolate small structures.

Results: Using the classical Klinger’s technique, we were able to obtain a brain specimen depicting organization of various white fibres such as corona radiata, superior longitudinal bundle, association fibres with fibres passing in relation to lentiform nucleus. In another specimen, dissection of right cerebral hemisphere medial to lentiform nucleus showed continuity of white projection fibres of corona radiata as internal capsule. Fibres of corpus callosum were delineated in two specimens which displayed spatial disposition of its various parts.

Conclusion: White matter fiber of brain are very important for understanding of function of the central nervous system function. The Klingler’s fiber dissection technique with other study material can successfully serve the purpose of the teaching of complex brain architecture of white matter. These dissected specimens will be more attractive to students, than the mere imagination of white fiber tracts during neuroanatomy classes.

Key words: Corona radiate, Fiber dissection; Klingler technique, Lentiform nucleus, Corpus callosum.


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Cite this article: Sachin patil, Madhu sethi, Sabita Mishra. KLINGLER’S FIBER DISSECTION METHOD- AN ASSISTING APPROACH TOWARDS TEACHING NEUROANATOMY. Int J Anat Res 2018;6(1.3):5041-5045. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2018.107