
Type of Article:  Original Research

Volume 5; Issue 3.3 (September 2017)

Page No.: 4400-4404

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2017.349


Berjina Farooq Naqshi *1, Adil Bashir Shah 2,  Shaheen Shahdad 3, Sangeeta Gupta 4.

*1 Demonstrator, Department of Anatomy, Government Medical College, Srinagar,     Kashmir, India.

2 Registrar, Department of Orthopaedics, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India.

3 Professor and Head, Department of Anatomy,Government Medical College, Srinagar, Kashmir, India.

4 Professor, Department of Anatomy,Government Medical College, Jammu, India.

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Adil Bashir Shah, Registrar, Department of Orthopaedics, Government Medical College, Srinagar, Kashmir, India. E-Mail: adilshah111@gmail.com


Background: The present study was conducted on the morphometry of proximal segment of the humeri in order to provide critical data which would help in the estimation of the stature and identification of remains in forensic studies and for better shoulder prosthetic designs in this population.

Material and methods: The present study was conducted on 100 dry humeri of unknown age and sex.The measurements of the proximal segment included the circumference of the head, the vertical and transverse diameters of the superior articular surface and the upper epiphyseal breadth were made.

Result: The mean circumference of head of humerus was found to be 13.66±1.13cm.The mean vertical diameter of superior articular surface of humerus was 4.28±0.38 cm .The mean transverse diameter of superior articular surface of humerus was found to be 3.88±0.33 cm.The mean upper epiphyseal breadth of humerus was found to be 4.55±0.36 cm.

Conclusion: The present study adds critical information to the data already available on anthropometry of the proximal humerus.The study data is useful for anthropologists, archaeologists and forensic investigators as well as for prosthetic designing.

KEYWORDS:  Proximal Humerus, Morphometry, Anthropologists.


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Cite this article: Berjina Farooq Naqshi, Adil Bashir Shah, Shaheen Shahdad, Sangeeta Gupta. THE PROXIMAL SEGMENT OF HUMERUS IN NORTH INDIAN POPULATION: A MORPHOMETRIC STUDY . Int J Anat Res 2017;5(3.3):4400-4404. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2017.349