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How   to   cite   this   Article:    N.Bhanu   Sudha   Parimala,   D.   Suma   Devi,   S.   Muralidhar   Reddy.    A   STUDY   OF   MORPHOLOGY   AND   TYPES   OF   TALAR ARTICULAR     FACETS     IN     ADULT     HUMAN     CALCANEII     OF     ANDHRA     REGION.      Int     J     Anatomy     Res     2016;4(4):3209-3214.     DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.440.
Type of Article: Original Research DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.440 Page No.:  3209-3214
A   STUDY   OF   MORPHOLOGY   AND   TYPES   OF   TALAR   ARTICULAR   FACETS   IN   ADULT   HUMAN   CALCANEII   OF   ANDHRA REGION   N.Bhanu Sudha Parimala * 1 , D. Suma Devi 2 , S. Muralidhar Reddy 3 . 1  Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, N.R.I Medical College, Chinakakani, Guntur District,Andhra Pradesh, India. 2  Assistant Professor,  Department of Anatomy, N.R.I Medical College, Chinakakani, Guntur District,Andhra Pradesh, India. 3  Professor & HOD, Department of Anatomy, N.R.I Medical College, Chinakakani, Guntur District,Andhra Pradesh, India. Address   of   Corresponding   Author:   Dr.   N.   B.   S.   Parimala,      MBBS,   M.   D.   (Anatomy),   Associate   Professor,   Department   of   Anatomy,   N.R.I   Medical   College, Chinakakani, Guntur District,Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.  Mob: +919440791896 E-Mail:  nbsparimala @gmail .com ABSTRACT Introduction:    The   calcaneum   articulates   with   talus   by   three   facets.      They   are   anterior,   middle   or   sustentacular   and   posterior   facets.   There   is   good   number of   studies   conducted   on   these   facets   all   over   the   world   and   in   different   regions   of   India   but   not   in   Andhra   region.   Owing   to   its   morphological,   functional   and surgical importance in relation to maintenance of stability of sub talar joint the study was under taken. Materials   and   Methods:    88   dry   calcaneii   available   in   the   Department   of   Anatomy,   NRI   Medical   College   were   taken   for   the   present   study.   The   specimens included   both   right   and   left   sided   calcaneii   of   both   sexes   .The   study   was   conducted   on   type   of   arrangement,   surface   area(S)   and   distances   (D)   between   the facets.   Observations:    The   present   study   followed   recent   classification   of   calcaneal   facets   into   5   types.    TYPE   1   -53/88   (60.2%),   TYPE   2-27/88(30.7%),   TYPE   3- 5/88(5.7%),   TYPE   4   -2/88   (2.3%),   TYPE   5   -1/88(1.1%).   All   5   types   were   seen   on   left   side   whereas   type   4   &   5   were   not   seen   on   right   side.   Subtypes   of   Type   2 were done based on distance between anterior & middle facets (DAM) and sub type A with, 2mm separation was the commonest.   Discussion:   Incidence   of   facets   was   compared   with   other   studies.   In   European   studies   the   approximate   ratio   of   Type   I:   Type   2   is   1:2   whereas   in   Indian studies   it   is   2:1.   In   Type2,   Subtype   A   less   than   2mm   separation   was   commonest   in   the   present   study   but   Subtype   B:   with   2-5mm   separation   was   reported   to be   common   in   previous   studies.   Morphological   variability   of   the   calcaneal   facets   could   result   from   differences   in   gait   or   other   habits   influencing   these articular   areas   post-natally   or   it   could   be   indicative   of   genetically   determined   variations.   Facet   morphology   influences   the   stability   of   sub   talar   joint, accordingly type 2 with osseous tripod was considered to be highly stable. Conclusion:   The   management   of   intra   articular   calcaneal   fractures   remains   controversial   &   treatment   depends   heavily   on   imaging   findings.   Radiographs have a limited role and thus MDCT becomes mandatory in clinical evaluation and management of injuries in this region. KEY WORDS: Sub talar joint, Intra articular fractures, MDCT. References 1 . Hollinshed WH . Anatomy for surgeons, The back and limbs, Ankle and foot, Chapter 9, 1958. Volume 3.  A Hoeber Harper Book, New York, 831 - 842. 2 . Nagar   SK,   Malukar   Ojaswini,   Kubavat   Dharati   et   al;   types   of   talar   articular   facets   and   morphometric   measurements   of   the   human   calcaneus   bone; National journal of medical research; Apr - June 2012;2(2):128-132.     3 . Muthukumaravel    N,    Ravichandran    D,    Melani    RS.    Human    Calcaneal    Facets    for    the    Talus:Patterns    and    Clinical    Implications.J    Clin    Diag    Res 2011;5(4):791–4. 4 . 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Volume 4 |Issue 4.3 |  2016 Date of Publication:  31 December 2016