Type of Article: Original Research
Year: 2016 | Volume 4 | Issue 2 | Page No. 2444-2449
Date of Publication: 30-06-2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2016.232
Denize Augusto da Silva 1, Kiyoshi Goke 1,2, Claudia Maria Soares Savedra 1,3, Lucas Alves Sarmento Pires 4, Tulio Fabiano de Oliveira Leite 1,5, Carlos Alberto Araujo Chagas 1,*4.
1 Anatomy Laboratory, Biological and Health Sciences Centre, Gama Filho University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
2 Anatomy Laboratory, Estácio de Sá University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
3 Veiga de Almeida University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
4 Anatomy Laboratory, Morphology Department, Federal Fluminense University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
5 Medical School, Paulista State University, São Paulo, Brazil.
Address: Carlos Alberto Araujo Chagas, Federal Fluminense University, Rua Professor Ernani Mello, 101, São Domingos - Niterói - Rio de Janeiro - Brazil ZIP CODE 24210-150. Phone: +55 (21) 2629-2335, +55 (21) 98821-0066
E-Mail: chagas@vm.uff.br
Background: The biceps brachii muscle usually has two portions: the long portion, which originates from the supra-supraglenoid tubercle and the short portion that originates from the coracoid process. This study aims to determine the incidence of an accessory head of the biceps and its innervation.
Materials and Methods: 74 cadavers were dissected and observed in one year at the Anatomy Laboratory of the Gama Filho University and the Anatomy Laboratory of the Federal Fluminense University.
Results: There were variations in 10 cadavers (13,5%), nine of them were male and one were female. We found 8 different types of variations in 14 arms: (1) a biceps with four heads in the right side, where the accessory muscle belly fibers converged to the short portion (1 case); (2) a third head that originated from the lesser tubercle (bilateral); (3) a third portion of humeral origin (5 cases); (4) a third portion originating near the insertion of the pectoralis major muscle and a fourth accessory muscle belly situated near the origin of the short portion and converging to the long portion (bilateral); (5) a case in which a third portion allowed passage of the brachial vessels and the median nerve; (6) a single case where the third head originated from the insertion of the pectoralis major muscle; (7) a case where the third head originated between the pectoralis major and deltoid muscles; (8) the long portion originated near the insertion of the deltoid muscle (1 case). All reported cases were innervated by the musculocutaneous nerve.
Conclusions: We believe that the biceps brachii muscle is not as variable as reported in the literature and some of these variations may be clinically significant.
Key Words: Anatomic Variations, Biceps Brachii, muscle, Brazilians, Embryology.
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Silva DA, Goke K, Savedra CMS, Pires LAS, Leite TFO, Chagas CAA. VARIATIONS OF THE BICEPS BRACHII MUSCLE IN BRAZILIANS. Int J Anat Res 2016;4(2):2444-2449. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2016.232