Type of Article: Original Research
Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 4 | Page No. 1615-1619
Date of Publication: 30-11-2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2015.309
Indra Kumar 1, Vinay Sharma 2, Rekha Lalwani 3, C.S.Ramesh Babu *4, Naresh Chandra 5.
1 Associate Professor of Anatomy, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Safedabad, Barabanki, (UP), India.
2 Associate Professor of Anatomy, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, (UP), India.
3 Assistant Professor of Anatomy, AIIMS, Bhopal, MP, India.
*4 Associate Professor of Anatomy, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, Muzaffarnagar, (UP), India.
5 Professor & Head of Anatomy, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Safedabad, Barabanki, (UP), India.
Address: C.S.Ramesh Babu, Associate Professor of Anatomy, Muzaffarnagar Medical College, N.H.-58, Opp. Begrajpur Industrial Area, Muzaffarnagar-251203 (U.P), India. Mobile: +91-9897249202.
E-Mail: csrameshb@gmail.com
Background: Spinal stenosis is defined as the narrowing of central spinal canal or its lateral recesses. Stenosis of spinal canal becomes important only when it results in interference with the normal functions of the contents of the canal. Narrowing of spinal canal seems to be a normal part of advancing age but certain uncertainties persist as regards to radiological definition of lumbar spinal canal stenosis.
Material & Method: The present study was aimed to evaluate the clinical relevance of stenosis of spinal canal through the most recent technique, MRI. Fifty symptomatic and 18 asymptomatic subjects were included. Antero-posterior and transverse diameters of vertebral canal were compared between symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects and statistically analyzed
Results & Discussion: The present study clearly shows that in both symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects there is a gradual decrease in the antero-posterior diameter from above downwards . The minimum antero-posterior and maximum transverse diameter was seen at L4L5 level making this level susceptible to compressive symptomatology. Apparent stenosis was observed in some asymptomatic subjects.
Conclusion: Radiological evaluation alone is not sufficient to define lumbar spinal canal stenosis
KEY WORDS: Lumbar canal, Radiological Study, Stenosis.
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Indra Kumar, Vinay Sharma, Rekha Lalwani, C.S.Ramesh Babu, Naresh Chandra. EVALUATION OF LUMBAR VERTEBRAL CANAL AT DISC LEVEL IN SYMPTOMATIC AND ASYMPTOMATIC SUBJECTS: A RADIOLOGICAL EVALUATION. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(4):1615-1619. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.309