Type of Article : Case Report
Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | Page No. 1039-1042
Date of Publication: 31-05-2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2015.152
Kavitha Kamath.B * 1, Vinayak Kamath 2.
*1 Assistant Professor, Dept of Anatomy, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, Shimoga, Karnataka, India.
2 Lecturer, Dept of Public health dentistry, A.B Shetty Institute of Dental Sciences, Derlakatte, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
Address: Dr. Kavitha Kamath.B, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Shimoga Institute of Medical Sciences, Sagar Road, Shimoga, Karnataka. 577201, India. E-Mail: drkavithakamath@rediffmail.com
Ossification of various ligaments in the body may result in clinical symptoms due to compression of neighbouring structures and complications in regional surgeries. This case reports of a dry skull that presented with two rare bony anomalies - caroticoclinoid and petrosphenoid bridges. Simultaneous occurrence of both these anomalies is a unique morphological event with neurovascular implications. Considering the fact that majority of textbooks in anatomy do not provide a detailed description of these entities, the present report is very much relevant for neurosurgeons and radiologists in day to day practice.
KEY WORDS: Caroticoclinoid ligament, petrosphenoidal ligament, clinoid processes, abducent nerve, internal carotid artery.
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Kavitha Kamath.B, Vinayak Kamath. OSSIFICATION OF CAROTICOCLINOID AND PETROSPHENOIDAL LIGAMENTS OF SKULL: A CASE REPORT. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(2):1039-1042. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.152