International Journal of Anatomy and Research

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Type of Article : Original Research

Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 | Page No. 977-979

Date of Publication: 30-04-2015



Satish Jain *1, Indersain Gupta 2, Monica Jain 3, RP Singal 4.

*1 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, India.
2 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, India.
3 Professor, Dept. of Anatomy, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, India.
4 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Radiology, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, India.

Address: Dr. Satish Jain, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, Maharaja Agrasen Medical College, Agroha, India.


Aims and objectives: Research on segmental anatomy of liver has been extensively done but very little work is done on Accessory Sulcus (AS).
Participants: Present study was carried on 36 cadaveric livers with mean age ranging between 30-60 years
Main outcome measures: Although, variation in surface of liver are reported but very few studies are there which reports their presence on inferior surface, on caudate lobe, in gall bladder fossa and right lateral surface of liver.
Results: We found AS in 13 livers (36.1%) out of 40 livers. These Sulci were transverse, vertical as well as curved in shape. Out of these in nine liver a single sulcus was present (25%) while in five livers the sulci were multiple (13.88%).
Conclusion: This study highlights the occurrence of variations on the liver surface. The finding of this study may be utilized by imaging specialists & surgeons respectively to avoid errors in interpretations & subsequent misdiagnosis.
KEY WORDS: Sulcus, Accessory, Liver, Caudate, Gall Bladder.


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Satish Jain, Indersain Gupta, Monica Jain, RP Singal. ACCESSORY SULCI OF LIVER IN THE POPULATION OF HARYANA. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(2):977-979. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.115




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