Type of Article : Case Report
Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Page No. 915-916
Date of Publication: 31-03-2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2015.113
Rashmi C. Goshi.
Junior Resident, Department of Anatomy, Gadag Institute Of Medical Sciences, Gadag, Karnataka, India.
Address: Dr. Rashmi C. Goshi, C\O P C Goshi; Ashirwad building; Kangoori Galli; Betgeri- Gadag 582102, Karnataka, India.
E-Mail: rashmigoshi@gmail.com
Background: The sciatic Nerve can rarely be separated into tibial and common fibular Nerve within the Pelvis. In such cases the tibial nerve and common fibular nerve leave the pelvis through different routes.
Materials and Method: The variation found during routine dissection for MBBS students in a 30 yr old male cadaver in the department of Anatomy, JJM Medical college Davangere, Karnataka, India.
Result: The variation is High division of sciatic Nerve unilaterally on right side in 30yrs old male cadaver. Common peroneal Nerve is found passing between the two divisions of bifid piriformis while tibial Nerve passed below the inferior piriformis
Conclusion: Knowledge of this variation is important clinically in sciatic nerve entrapment resulting in non-discogenic sciatica and also requires reviewing of the piriformis syndrome
KEY WORDS: Tibial Nerve, Common Peroneal Nerve, Sciatica, Periformis syndrome.
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Rashmi C. Goshi. UNILATERAL HIGH DIVISION OF SCIATIC NERVE AND ITS RELATION TO BIFID PIRIFORMIS. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(1):915-916. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.113