Type of Article : Original
Year: 2015 | Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Page No. 865-868
Date of Publication: 28-02-2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2015.103
Harsha B. R *1, Chandrashekar K.T 2.
*1 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, CIMS, Chamrajanagar, Karnataka, India.
2 Assistant professor, Department of Anatomy, MMC&RI, Mysore, Karnataka, India.
Address: Dr. Harsha. B.R, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, CIMS, Chamrajanagar, Karnataka-5771313, India. Contact No: +919591180473
E-Mail: harsha.charlie@gmail.com
Background: Aim of the present study was to observe the morphology, measurements and types of papillary muscles present in tricuspid valve of human heart. Morphology, measurements and attachments of papillary muscles in tricuspid valve gains utmost importance in cardiac surgeries and causes of myocardial infarction in recent times because advent in modern technologies in treatment of tricuspid valve diseases.
Materials and Methods: This study was carried out on 96 normal fresh formalin fixed human post-mortem heart specimens. Hearts are not grouped into any criteria of sex and age. Dissection was performed according to standard techniques. Types of papillary muscles observed and length, width and thickness of each muscle are measured and documented.
Results: In the present study, number of papillary muscles was present with a frequency of 2-10. Maximum numbers of papillary muscles were 10 seen in only one heart (1%) and minimum numbers of papillary muscles were 2 seen in 3 hearts (3.1%). Anterior papillary muscles were present in all 96 (100%) hearts. Maximum numbers of muscles observed were 3 seen in 6 hearts (6.3%) and minimum number muscle was 1 seen in 66 (68.8%) hearts, which was normal. Two papillary muscles were seen in remaining 24 hearts (25%). Posterior papillary muscles were present in 95 (98.95%) hearts. Seven papillary muscles were observed in only 1 (1%) heart and only 1 papillary muscle was seen in 27 (28.1%) hearts. In measurements of papillary muscles, anterior papillary muscle mean height was 1.49±0.44 cm; mean width was 0.82±0.21 cm and mean thickness was 0.64±0.15 cm respectively and posterior papillary muscle mean height was 1.05±0.37 cm, mean width was 0.63±0.17 cm and mean thickness was 0.5±0.11 cm respectively.
Conclusion: We hope this study will serve to understand the tricuspid valve complex and morphometry of different papillary muscles better and it will help in various surgical procedures and cardiac treatment done on tricuspid valve.
KEYWORDS: Tricuspid valve, Papillary muscle, Morphometry.
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Harsha B. R, Chandrashekar K.T. CADAVERIC STUDY ON ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR PAPILLARY MUSCLES OF TRICUSPID VALVE. Int J Anat Res 2015;3(1):865-868. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2015.103