Type of Article : Original Article
Year: 2014 | Volume 2 | Issue 4 | Page No. 810-813
Date of Publication: 31-12-2014
DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2014.554
Bhawani Shankar Modi *, Nidhi Puri, VVG Patnaik.
Department of Anatomy, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Science and Research, Mullana, Ambala, India.
Address: Dr. Bhawani Shankar Modi, Dept., of Anatomy, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Science and Research, Mullana, Ambala, India. Mobile No: +919896340163.
E-Mail: bhawanimodi.dr@gmail.com
Objective: The present study was conducted to find new technique for development of bone specimens from cadavers.
Material and methods: Long bones, skull and other bones from embalmed cadaver were taken and cleansed by various methods. Four methods were employed for preparing specimens. In 1st method bones were boiled in tap water for 7-8 hours on gas stove. In 2nd method bones were immersed in water with addition of detergent at constant temperature. In 3rd method bones were kept at constant temperature in water without addition of detergent. In 4th method bones were buried for one month under superficial surface of soil during rainy season after boiling the bones for 7-8 hours
Observations: Use of detergent in warm water (65o C) was good for cleaning long bones while best result for long bones as well as skull was seen with boiling followed by burial of embalmed specimens. Results were found as expected. Time consumed in the present study was less than old classical methods. Bones specimens formed were of high quality.
Conclusions: Preparation of bone specimen by embalmed cadaver can be of immense value and time saver for many research institutes to get their self-prepared specimens. There are many more ways which has to be modified or rediscovered in this area of research, which has been neglected so far.
KEYWORDS: Bones, Cleaning, Embalming, Cadaver.
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Bhawani Shankar Modi, Nidhi Puri, VVG Patnaik. EVALUATION OF TECHNIQUES FOR CLEANING EMBALMED CADAVER BONES. Int J Anat Res 2014;2(4):810-813. DOI: 10.16965/ijar.2014.554