Type of Article: Original Research
Volume 11; Issue 4 (December 2023)
Page No.: 8735-8739
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.16965/ijar.2023.202
Arteria Lusoria: Descriptive Anatomy, Topography and Clinical Implications at the HUBERT KOUTOUKOU MAGA National University Hospital Center (CNHU-HKM)
Laleye Cm 1-2, Sogan A1, Toni Kwg *1-3, Houmenou E 1, Hadonou A 1, Adjadohoun Sbmg 3, Hounnou Gm 1, Biaou O 4, Voyeme Ak 1.
1 Human Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS) of Cotonou/BENIN
2 Surgery Department of the University Hospital Center of Ouémé-Plateau (CHUD-OP)/BENIN
3 Medical Imaging Department of the Hubert Koutoukou MAGA National University Hospital Center (CNHU-HKM) of Cotonou/BENIN
4 Medical Imaging Department of the University Hospital Center of Ouémé-Plateau (CHUD-OP)/BENIN
Corresponding Author: TONI KWG, Human Anatomy Laboratory of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSS) of Cotonou/BENIN E-Mail: toniwilfried3@gmail.com
Background: The presence of a right aberrant subclavian artery, also known as the lusoria artery, is the most frequent anomaly of the aortic arch. The aim of this study was to describe the anatomy of the lusoria artery and its relationships on CT scans in melanoderm subjects at the CNHU-HKM in Benin.
Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study with retrospective data collection, conducted from January 2018 to December 2021 at the CNHU-HKM. It focused on thoracic angioscans and thoraco-abdomino-pelvic scans that revealed a lusoria artery in patients referred to the medical imaging department. The sampling was exhaustive. Image analysis was performed using Radiant DICOM Viewer software.
Results: A total of 11 cases of lusoria artery were identified among the 732 scans studied, representing a frequency of 1.5%, with a sex ratio of 0.22. The mean age of the patients was 50.81 ± 14.54 years. The discovery of the lusoria artery was incidental in all patients. The lusoria arteries arose from the aortic arch, on average 7.59 mm after the left subclavian artery, with a mean diameter of 14.86 mm at the origin. They all had a retro-esophageal course. The bicarotid trunk was the most frequent associated anatomical variation (90.9%) with a mean length of 11.84 mm. This was followed by Kommerell’s diverticulum (18.18%). One case of a common origin of the subclavian arteries and bicarotid trunk associated with the lusoria artery was noted.
Conclusion: The lusoria artery is a rare anatomical variation that predominantly affects women. Often discovered incidentally, it arises from the aortic arch and has a retro-esophageal course. It is almost constantly associated with a bicarotid trunk.
Keywords: Lusoria artery – bicarotid trunk – CT scan – Kommerell’s diverticulum – Benin.
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